NaNo 2017 – Day 24 – Late Night Writing

Lots of back-to-back events yesterday starting with work. Then I drove about an hour to do a book signing/Fall Fair and then an hour back home. By the time I got home it was 9:30 PM and I still hadn’t done any writing.

I briefly considered calling it a dead day. Briefly. Then I stopped whining to myself about being tired and sat down at my computer.

I powered through, but it was hard going. I’m at the point in the story where I really don’t have much idea what’s coming next (much like the past two weeks). The difference now is, I’m at the major conflict and, while I know how I want it to play out, I don’t know who does what or even when.

Like I said, much harder going. But I have all the necessary characters in place and I’m hopeful I can pull it all off.

Number of Words for the Day:  2,039 words

How I Hit my Word Total for the Day

One long writing session. 9:30 PM until around 11:00 PM

Today’s Goal: 2,000 words

Another book signing today. Fortunately, this one is done by 3 PM so I have some time in the evening to write.

Number of Words to Date: 54,072 words

Highlight of the Day

I met several new readers at the book signing. I also connected with two new authors, which is always awesome. They have my contact information in case they have questions. Hopefully, I can offer some assistance to them.


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