Get Published – So Long and Thanks for All the Fish

I’ve been struggling to decide what to do with Get Published. My writing demands (on my time) have been growing over the past couple years and, since no one seems to be willing to increase the number of hours in the day, I’ve had to start prioritizing my projects. A number of factors are telling me it is time to end Get Published. What they are isn’t important. What is important is knowing when it is time to end the show. I have had a lot of positives from the show. I’ve met many terrific people and learned a lot of great things related to writing. In fact, I can directly attribute my first story sales to the podcast. Those […]

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Get Published Episode 157 – Chris Hite and Dimensional Abscesses

  Here we are. The final episode before summer hiatus. Today’s show will be different from every show before in that the interview is solely conducted by my publishing partner and Get Published associate producer, Jeffrey Hite. Jeff talks to his son, Chris Hite, who was one of the contributors to the Dimensional Abscesses anthology. They talk about why Chris wrote what he wrote and how. It’s an interesting, albeit short conversation that I think you will enjoy. I also wanted to thank you all for continuing to listen to Get Published. There have been those dark moments in the middle of the night when I wonder if continuing Get Published is the right thing to do. But then I […]

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Get Published Episode 156 – Scouts of the Apocalypse

If you have followed my blog or listened to past episodes of Get Published you probably already know that my novel Scouts of the Apocalypse is about to become a book. In fact, it will be available for order everywhere in all formats on June 15th. This book represents a lot of things for me. It is a moment in time when some of my Scouts were younger, it is a salute to Scouts everywhere and it is the first print book released by Evil Alter Ego Press. There are more reasons why this book is important to me, but you will just have to listen to the interview, once again led by my friend Jeffrey Hite, to hear them. […]

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Get Published Episode 154 – JR Murdock Goes Farming

One of the really fun things about the anthology Dimensional Abscesses is that Jeff Hite and I have one more reason to talk to a lot of interesting people. One of those people is JR Murdock. I’m sure you recognize Jay’s name; he has been on the show several times before. And, be forwarned, you will hear from him very soon as we begin the work of promoting our collaboration, Jack Kane and the Statue of Liberty. But that discussion is for another day. Today we are talking about his contribution to the anthology. His story is pretty unique in a book full of unique stories. We talk about his inspiration and a few other things. It was a fun […]

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