Get Published Episode 157 – Chris Hite and Dimensional Abscesses


Here we are. The final episode before summer hiatus. Today’s show will be different from every show before in that the interview is solely conducted by my publishing partner and Get Published associate producer, Jeffrey Hite. Jeff talks to his son, Chris Hite, who was one of the contributors to the Dimensional Abscesses anthology.

They talk about why Chris wrote what he wrote and how. It’s an interesting, albeit short conversation that I think you will enjoy.

I also wanted to thank you all for continuing to listen to Get Published. There have been those dark moments in the middle of the night when I wonder if continuing Get Published is the right thing to do. But then I remember all of you who have faithfully listened for years now and I know it is. Thank you again for listening. I appreciate you all.

That being said, I want to give you a show that provides you with the information you want and need. I truly don’t know if I am at this point because it is rare that I get any comments or feedback. I completely understand why there is a lack of this; it takes time and effort to send feedback. Time few of us have to spare. I had hoped that by making the shows shorter in the past year they would be more accessible but that doesn’t seem to be the case.

If you are happy with what you are getting from the show already, please let me know. A single sentence to that affect will do. If you would like something else or more of what’s already there, it would really help if I hear that too. Either way, please spare me a couple minutes of your time to email me (, send me a message via Facebook or Twitter. Your feedback will determine the future direction of the show.

And before we begin the show, I would like to remind you that if you have any questions or comments, you can send them to If I don’t know the answer to your question, I will find the person best suited to answer it and play it on the show.

Show Notes

00:00 — Opening – Get Published Episode 157 – Chris Hite and Dimensional Abscesses

Everything has to start somewhere and this is the start of “Get Published”

00:14 — Introduction – Get Published Episode 157 – Chris Hite and Dimensional Abscesses (continued)

Welcome to the show.

02:19 – Promo – Mighty Marvel Geeks

02:52 Get Published Episode 157 – Chris Hite and Dimensional Abscesses (continued)

15:41 – Promo – The Neverland Podcast

16:24 — Closing

Thank you for listening.

Websites mentioned in this episode:

Evil Alter Ego Press –

Mighty Marvel Geeks –

The Neverland Podcast –


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