Get Published – So Long and Thanks for All the Fish

I’ve been struggling to decide what to do with Get Published. My writing demands (on my time) have been growing over the past couple years and, since no one seems to be willing to increase the number of hours in the day, I’ve had to start prioritizing my projects.

A number of factors are telling me it is time to end Get Published. What they are isn’t important. What is important is knowing when it is time to end the show.

I have had a lot of positives from the show. I’ve met many terrific people and learned a lot of great things related to writing. In fact, I can directly attribute my first story sales to the podcast. Those are all tremendous wins in my book.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all those people who have supported the show; my guests, my listeners and my Associate Producer Jeff Hite. You have all made a difference in my life, both writing and otherwise.

I would like to leave you with two thoughts. Both are things I’ve talked about many times. The first is networking. Never be afraid to talk to people and learn about what they are doing. Don’t be afraid to talk about your own work either. That will take you a long way in this world.

The other is, taking the time to provide reviews and feedback to authors. Reviews are the life blood that sells books. If you have gotten anything from my show the past few years, please take a moment to do a review on one of my books. It helps more than you can imagine.

And lastly, don’t be a stranger. You never know where (or when) I will pop up next.

On to the next adventure! 🙂



  1. Thanks for all the hours of inspiration and education. It’s been a great pleasure listening to you show and journey. I’m excited for what’s to come. I made this decision two summers ago and still feel like I don’t have enough time for writing. That may have more to do with my son being two, but still podcasting is a time consumer and I’m glad you’ll have more of that for your writing.

  2. Thanks Dan. It was a tough decision to end the podcast. I still think about it today, more than 18 months later.

    Maybe one day I will do another podcast. I certainly miss doing it.

    I’m glad you got something out of the podcast.


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