NaNoWriMo – Day 5

I had really high hopes for the day, today. It’s Friday, of course, and I had no plans for the evening. That meant I had a great opportunity to write a HUGE amount on my NaNoNovel. Except, I had more plotting to do on it AND I had an interview with Kimi Alexandre for the next episode of Get Published.

Interviews are always a problem for me. Not because I hate doing them, but because I LOVE talking to all the interesting people I get for the show. Kimi is no exception. She’s a writer, podcaster, blogger, voice actress and she’s got a cool new project call SpecFicDB ( She even has her own writing show so I knew it was going to be a great conversation.

And I was absolutely right. That’s the problem. I really enjoy meeting new people and talking about the craft of writing. I could go on for hours. Hours I should be spending writing. Do you see where I’m going with this? Before I knew it, I had used up all the extra writing time I had.

Ah well. It was not time wasted by any means.

Fortunately, I had some time at lunch again today and managed to crank out just about 900 new words (well, not all were new. I used ‘the’ a few times, not to mention ‘and’). I’ve added another 700 or so since (maybe 1000) so my NaNo writing has now officially exceeded 12000 words. The problem I’m faced with now is my weekend.

Most part time writers use the weekend as their time to crank out a pile of work. I do the same when I’m able, but this weekend I have a Scout Camp. I leave first thing in the morning (alright, it’s actually 8AM) so I will only have a very short time before that to write, if at all. I don’t return until Sunday afternoon so I will have to write furiously while I can. Next weekend isn’t a whole lot better (at least that’s how it appears at the moment).

Ah well. I will find a way, just like I have every other day. Just like you’re doing too, I’m sure.


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