NaNoWriMo – Day 4

Well, I actually did a 1000 words more than I reported yesterday. I’m not sure how I managed it, but I did.

So, on to today.

I managed about 300 words in the morning before work. Then I actually did some writing at lunch time. It won’t happen often, but it was nice to just sit and plunk away at the keyboard mid-day. I am certainly LOVING the story so far and some of the characters are really coming to life for me.

I also had something cool happen. I wrote a scene that was really intended to do little more than transition the story and give a bit more insight into the characters themselves. Sounds kind of boring, right? (Actually, the character interaction is a lot of fun). Well, after writing the scene I had a bit of a eureka moment. Something minor that happens in the scene will actually become quite a funny moment later on (at least, that’s the plan) and will reveal more about one of the characters.

I love when that happens.

I also learned that the folks down at Flying Island Press have issued a challenge. They put together a writing “Dream Team” which, surprisingly enough (to me at least) includes me. So we’re having fun trading insults and trash talking each other (in jest, of course) on Twitter. A new twist to NaNoWriMo that is turning out to be a lot of fun.

Have I mentioned how much I love NaNo? ☺

Today’s writing break down is as follows:

Morning: ~300 words

Lunch: ~600 words

Evening: ~1500 words



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