Another NaNoWriMo Put to Bed

It is now December 1st and that means NaNoWriMo is done for another year.

This year was another good, but gruelling one. I blame that mostly on my own inability to keep my projects down to a single manageable one. As you probably know, I ended NaNo having worked on four distinct projects: two short stories and two novels.

I did manage to finish both short stories. In fact, they were both due for submission by midnight of November 30th which I was able to do. It was with a HUGE sigh of relief that I did just that. I also managed to write something like 56,000 words or so, officially winning NaNo.

Now the waiting begins. I just hope they were good enough. Both anthologies are ones I would love to have a story in. If they aren’t, I will totally understand. I did have to write them in less than ideal (for me) conditions.

To celebrate finishing NaNo and getting the stories out, I believe I will go and do my remaining Christmas shopping tomorrow. And, I’ll take a couple days off from writing and get GalaxyBillies prepared for Podiobooks. Then I will be working on the unfinished, original novel project.

Oh yes, and I also went to bed before 11PM for the first time in almost a month.

It’s good to be done.


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