CA Marshall Has An Awesome Contest!

I usually don’t talk about contests too much (my own or others) but I came across one that is too good not to talk about.

CA Marshall, who you may remember from episode 32 of Get Published, is running a contest where the winner will receive a FREE substantial edit. Yes, you heard me right. A free edit of a manuscript up to 100,000 words with a focus on Plot, Character and Pacing.

Not bad, huh?

I know getting my work professionally edited (did I mention she is a professional editor) is high on my list of priorities and if you are hoping to get your work published, it should be on yours too.

Just in case you are wondering if that’s all there is to CA Marshall, let me assure you there is so much more. She is a YA Author and a Literary Agent intern too. She has a great deal of insight into the publishing industry from multiple angles and I strongly encourage you to follow her on Twitter and check out her website too.

You can find her contest at:


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