There’s Something New in the Works

I’m coming up on my second anniversary of doing ‘Get Published’ and I’ve been very happy with the show. I’ve had the chance to talk with many great people and, I hope, I’ve shared valuable information with my listeners.

But honestly, something has been missing. Listeners know the show has a feedback section. Regular listeners know I haven’t gotten much of it. Not questions, comments or, frankly, much of anything (that is not to denigrate those people who have commented and you know who you are. I have really appreciated all the comments I’ve received).

It has felt… odd… I suppose is the word, doing other things in that section of the show and still calling it the “Feedback Section”. So, I’m creating some new things to put there. I’m not totally eliminating the “Feedback Section”, just reserving it’s use for feedback only.

So what am I going to do, you may wonder. Well, there’s the rub. I have invited a special guest to join the podcast to impart some of her wisdom to you. I’m not going to tell you who she is yet (or what her area(s) of expertise is/are). That’s the tease.

Now for part 2 of the tease. Will it happen this episode or next? Or perhaps the one after that? I suppose you COULD read the show notes for each episode when they come out to decide if you want to listen or not, but honestly, can you afford to miss even one show? 🙂


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