NaNoWriMo – Day 27 & 28

You will have already noticed that I didn’t post yesterday. That was because I left the house around 10AM and wasn’t home until 1:30AM the next morning. As you can probably guess, I didn’t get any writing done.

I’ve had to make the decision to call NaNoWriMo 2010 finished. I am now completing my two short stories so I can send them out so I need that editing focus. I also need to start getting GalaxyBillies ready for so there is added demand on my time.

Thank you to everyone who has shared my NaNo adventure with me. Congratulations to all the people who managed to write during the month of November. Whether you managed 50,000 words or 50, you were writing, so well done.

By this time next year I should be through most of the major revisions (fingers crossed) of my contracted book, “Mik Murdoch, Boy Superhero”. With any luck, GalaxyBillies will be fully edited too and undergoing the submission process (or even better, under contract too). I also fully expect that the NaNoProject/Secret Project will be done and all will be revealed. I have high hopes for that book so stay tuned.

Thank you again and good writing. Happy holidays to you all.


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