Resetting Expectations

I’ve talked about setting goals before. I am a big fan of using goals to succeed in my writing. Sometimes, unfortunately, I lose sight of my goals. It could be because of just about anything. Recently, concerns about my job were…distracting me from my writing.

When that happens, it can be hard to get the writing, or whatever project the goal is related to, back underway.

When I find myself floundering too long, I try to set a line in the sand to force myself back on track. For example, we were planning vacation and I knew we would be doing a significant amount of driving. Since my wife prefers to do the actual driving while I navigate (don’t laugh, the arrangement works VERY well), I decided to ry and reset my writing of Mik Murdoch 2.

I set very specific, time-oriented goals for my vacation writing. Some of the goals were pretty aggressive and others were easier.

The most important part of setting the goals was that I had to be committed to achieve them.

The first day of vacation, I really had to force myself to get started. The first couple hours of driving I didn’t do much other than navigate and watch the passing scenery.  Then, I started to write.

That opened the floodgates.

I hit my goal the first day. Then the second and again the third. It wasn’t until the sixth day that I didn’t manage my word count and the next day I was able to catch up. My ultimate goal of finishing the book by end-of-vacation is still within sight.

That will free me up to get going on my next project.

But only because I reset my goals and recommitted myself to achieving them.

Do you run into the same sorts of problems as I do? How do you get past the problems?



  1. Currently, my writing time is restricted to the morning commute when my husband drives. Most weeks, I get a good 30-45 min a day of writing time 4 days a week. Currently, I’m in editing mode, so the laptop has been replaced by pen and paper. Then end seems far away, but every word edited is a word closer to the beta read.
    This week house hunting stresses have completely derailed my writing time. But ready your post reminds me that the first step is making time wherever and whenever you can find it.

  2. You are absolutely right. I have used my commute to work (on the bus and train) to write and edit as well. Whenever and wherever you can do it will bring you closer to your goal.

    Good luck with the house hunting, editing and writing. Please keep me posted on how you are doing. I love sharing each other’s successes. 🙂

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