Mik Murdoch and the Power Within is Ready for Editing

I was going to title this post, “Mik Murdoch and the Power Within is Finished” but that really isn’t true. I still have to do a polishing edit before I send it to my publisher and editor. Once they have it, it will be edited/revised/re-edited to within an inch of its life.

Then it will get a cover and layout followed by release as and ARC (Advanced Reader Copy) for review and finally it will be available for sale. That means we are still a few months away from it being generally available.

The book ended up finishing at slightly more than 65,000 words, 29,000 of which I wrote during my vacation (which ended yesterday, unfortunately). What the final, published count will be is anybody’s guess. The first Mik Murdoch started at 48,000 and finished at 55,000. In that count were chapter deletions and additions, new scenes and a host of other changes. The final tally of new content worked out to be around 30%.

I’m hoping for less this time. I think this is much more polished manuscript already than the last one was. Hoping my publisher and editor LOVE what I’ve done (I know, I’m pretty happy with it).

Since I have something coming up that may be of interest to a few of you, I would like to ask for your support in a new way. I am putting together a mailing list. The purpose of the mailing list is to keep you, my companions on the writing journey, informed about new stuff.

Obviously, it’s got to be worth your while to join so, I would like to sweeten the deal for you. If you are interested in reading an ARC of Mik 2 in exchange for a review, you will be the first to hear about it. I will also be sending you samples of my work that no one else sees (or only sees if they REALLY know where to look or pay for it). That means, some of my short stories, as an example.

I am also, of course, interested to hear from you what other tidbits you might like to see in the mailing list/subscriber list.

Let me be clear, this is not going to be a selling list. I will let you know what’s coming and you can decide what to do about it. That’s all and, as I’ve already said, there will be other, exclusive content for you too.

Fair enough?

If you’re interested, please drop me an email at ml at michellplested.com with the subject of “Add me to your subscriber list”. I will add you to the list and send you the first piece of content.




  1. Congrats, Mike! What a vacation that turned out to be. I have very fond memories reading Mik, book one, to my wife and hearing her laugh or swoon over his cuteness. Very much looking forward to book two.

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