Get Published Episode 68 – What Agents Bring to the Table with Amy Boggs

I follow a number of people on Twitter, Facebook and Google Plus. Publishers, Editors, a bunch of authors and even a couple agents. I’ve also managed to get people from each of those categories on the show. Well, almost all of them.

I’ve never had an actual agent on the show. Happily, today that all changes as I talk to Amy Boggs who is an Agent at the Donald Maass Literary Agency.

I also talk about NaNoWriMo, which is just around the corner.

That’s the lineup for today. I hope you enjoy the show.

Show Notes

00:00 — Opening – Get Published Episode 68 – What Agents Bring to the Table with Amy Boggs

  • Everything has to start somewhere and this is the start of “Get Published”

00:14 — Introduction – Get Published Episode 68 – What Agents Bring to the Table with Amy Boggs

Welcome to the show.

00:52 —Promo – WhatTheCast

01:52 — Tips and Typos – Get Published Episode 68 – What Agents Bring to the Table with Amy Boggs (continued)

  • Michell talks about his recently received edits for “Mik Murdoch, Boy Superhero”
  • Email feedback at getpublishedpodcast dot com with your comments

04:25 – Promo – Flying Island Press

05:10 — Get Published Episode 68 – What Agents Bring to the Table with Amy Boggs (continued)

Amy Boggs talks about editing and its importance to any writer.

48:35 – Promo – Technorama

49:06 — Closing

Thank you for listening.

Websites mentioned in this episode:

Donald Maass Literary Agency –

Whatthecast Podcast –

Flying Island Press –

Technorama –



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