What Makes a Book? (Pt. 2 – Edits)

As I mentioned in the previous post, edits are an important, nay critical piece of the process. I can’t tell you how often I have heard people complain about a story they were reading that was riddled with errors and how they simply couldn’t finish it. I’ve also heard many complaints about books that don’t have enough cohesion or are missing a critical piece. These complaints are both examples of poor/insufficient/non-existent editing. “But wait!” you say. “Edits were not the first part of the your previous article. What about finding a publisher or the contract piece?” To that, all I can say is, there are tons of publishers and articles on how to query them. I know I can’t really […]

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Scouts of the Apocalypse 2 – I have edits

At this very moment I am trying my very best not to pull up my editor’s document and get to work on revising Scouts of the Apocalypse: Zombie War. If I succumb to the temptation, I won’t be much good for anything else for several days. This is an important book for me because it represents a few things. First, it is book two of the trilogy. That means I will soon be closer to the end than the beginning. That is really cool. Second, it represents a much bigger cast of characters, more going on and, really…the whole world is at stake. That makes the revisions even more important in that I have so much opportunity to enrich the […]

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The Finish Line is in Sight

I received my second set of edits on Mik Murdoch: The Power Within a couple days ago and I’ve got to say, I’m both amazed and delighted. Amazed that there don’t seem to be any major issues with the current revision of the book and delighted that there don’t seem to be any major issues with the current version of the book. Wait…was I just repeating myself back there? I suppose I was which should only illustrate just how happy I am. Normally, there are an ever-decreasing number of edits for me. For example, I might need to rewrite three or four sections of the story in the first edit and do another in the second. Not so this time. […]

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Tunnel Vision

There are times when multi-tasking just isn’t the right answer. A perfect example of this is my revision work on Mik Murdoch, Boy Superhero. I have several projects on the go; some are writing and some are editing. And then there is Mik which is forthcoming (arguably editing, but a whole lot more, too). I want Mik Murdoch to be the best it can be. I want to justify all of the work my publisher and editor are putting into the book too. Therefore, when it came time to make the suggested revisions, I put all of my other projects away, rather than try to do bits of several everyday. It was really the only way I could get into […]

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