Tunnel Vision

There are times when multi-tasking just isn’t the right answer. A perfect example of this is my revision work on Mik Murdoch, Boy Superhero. I have several projects on the go; some are writing and some are editing. And then there is Mik which is forthcoming (arguably editing, but a whole lot more, too).

I want Mik Murdoch to be the best it can be. I want to justify all of the work my publisher and editor are putting into the book too. Therefore, when it came time to make the suggested revisions, I put all of my other projects away, rather than try to do bits of several everyday.

It was really the only way I could get into the continuous flow of the story to make the required edits to the quality they need to be.

It has meant that I haven’t been as prepared with my other projects. In fact, I actually had to postpone one of my scheduled “Get Published” interviews because I hadn’t spent the time I needed to prepare for it. That, by-the-way, is the first time in over 70 interviews that it has ever happened. I’m not proud to have broken that streak.

But, it was necessary.

I haven’t been spending the kind of time I should on Twitter and Facebook either. They are important parts of my marketing and I should be giving them the attention they deserve. I’ve had a few dozen people follow me on Twitter who I haven’t responded to… yet. Again, not something I’m proud of. To those of you reading this who have followed me without response, please accept my apologies. I will get to it, I promise. I’ve just had this extremely important book to work on. I need you to understand that I’ve been working towards publication for more than a decade and, now that it is close, I don’t want to blow it.

I’ve had interest in GalaxyBillies, but I haven’t touched it in over a month. Again, if I’m going to be doing edits on something, it needs to be Mik Murdoch. Better to work on something sold (and quickly approaching publication) than something that MIGHT be sold.

The good news is, I sent the final edits in yesterday. I can widen my field of vision again for a while. Having said that, I know it will come again. I just have to be aware of that fact.

I hope you will understand if I disappear from time-to-time. It is not because I want to neglect you.



  1. Indeed. I also temper those decisions based on what I have committed to others. Those items that are my own priorities tend to come in last.

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