Lots Going On

There are a lot of times that I think I’m my own worst enemy. I get myself going on multiple projects, then, just for good measure, I throw a few more things into the mix.

For example, I’ve got a couple writing projects, a book being revised, two anthology ideas developing and I’m going to World Fantasy Convention on October 27th. That should really be enough, but I’ve also decided to do NaNoWriMo again. Oh yeah, and those are only my writing commitments. I’ve also got family, work, Scouts, my Get Published podcast and a couple other things.

Yup, I’m definitely my own worst enemy.

Oddly enough, there are times when I have to sit back and take a deep breath; it all just feels like too much.

Yesterday was one of those “overwhelmed” days. I was on day two of being sick. Not seriously sick, mind you. It was just a cold. But I was sick enough my work colleagues didn’t want me in the office. So I stayed home and worked there. The problem is, I need to get out of the house to work. The alternative is, I am reminded throughout the entire day of all that I have to do.

So, I spent the day, not feeling 100%, trying to get my work done and thinking about all the deadlines I have.

Not fun.

The upside is, I’ve got World Fantasy Convention to look forward to. I’m leaving Calgary at about 6 AM next Thursday for San Diego. Mr. JR Murdock will be picking me up at the airport and we will make our way over to the convention hotel. I’m pretty sure I won’t be getting much sleep because I’ll be meeting a number of online friends for the first time. I’ll also be working directly with JR to put our Steampunk novel to bed. Then there are the parties, the sessions and all the networking I hope to do.

It will be awesome, but exhausting.

My hope and fear is that I will also come home with a number of new projects.

The only hope I have is that I can start to finish a few of these projects off. Otherwise, how am I going to fit all the new ones in?

If you’re going to be at WFC, please look me up. I’ll be the guy with the big bags under his eyes. 🙂


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