Get Published Episode 49 – Self Publishing Has Reached a Tipping Point

We are coming up on episode 50 and I was planning on having a special interview with Robin Sullivan. Some of you may remember Robin from episode 38. Robin is the publisher for Ridan Publishing. When I first talked to Robin I knew she had a wealth of experience and knowledge to share. It wasn’t until I chatted with her via IM that I learned of her interest in self-publishing.

As I said, I had planned on interviewing her about the topic of self-publishing and how it has changed for episode 50. Except, once she started talking I realized that there was much more information than a single show could hold. So I broke up the interview into two parts. This segment will set the ground work for some of Robin’s interest and the next for episode 50 will talk more about some of the things you as a writer can do to self-publish and market your work.

I also have a book review that I’ve been meaning to do for several months. I had the chance to meet John Hemry AKA Jack Campbell at Balticon last year and I’ve wanted to review his most recent book The Lost Fleet: Victorious ever since. I finally take the time to do that.

Show Notes

00:00 — Opening – Get Published Episode 49 – Self Publishing Has Reached a Tipping Point

  • Everything has to start somewhere and this is the start of “Get Published”

00:14 — Introduction – Get Published Episode 49 – Self Publishing Has Reached a Tipping Point

Welcome to the show.

01:41 — Promo – Fiction at

02:30— Tips and Typos – Get Published Episode 49 – Self Publishing Has Reached a Tipping Point (continued)

  • Mike reviews The Lost Fleet, Book Six – Victorious by Jack Campbell
  • Email feedback at getpublishedpodcast dot com with your comments

05:10 – Promo –

06:09 — Get Published Episode 49 – Self Publishing Has Reached a Tipping Point (continued)

Robin Sullivan talks about self-publishing and the huge changes that have happened in the past couple months. (Pt 1 of 2)

47:14 — Promo – GalaxyBillies

49:02 — Closing

Thank you for listening.

Websites mentioned in this episode:

John Campbell –

Robin Sullivan/Ridan Publishing –

Kindleboards – –

Smashwords –

JA Konrath –

Fiction at Chris Moody –

GalaxyBillies –


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