On the Edge of Awesome

By appearances, 2011 looks like it will be a very interesting year. As you probably know, I have a book that is scheduled for release in 2012. That means I will be doing all those things that need doing to see that it happens. Revision, review and more revision. I also have several other projects to consider.

GalaxyBillies (which releases January 26, 2010 on Podiobooks.com) – needs to be revised and laid out for submission. I haven’t quite decided how to go forward with the book. Should I use it for an agent hunt or send it directly to publishers? I’m still thinking that through. There are a number of factors I’m working through, not the least of which is how it does on Podiobooks.

Secret Project – I would guess that it’s between 50 – 75% complete. That is the immediate project. I’m pretty excited about it and even more excited to start talking about it. Can’t do more than tease at the moment though. I will keep you posted.

YA Novel – I wrote this book last spring. I sent it out several times for consideration but no takers at this point. My children have both read it and liked the story. I am considering using this as a test of sorts. More about that later.

Boy Scouts of the Apocalypse – this is very much a working title but one I love. The idea for the story came to me when I was driving out to a Scout Camp in November. I actually told an abbreviated version of the story around the campfire one night to my Scouts. I now get asked at least once a week from different Scouts who were at the camp if the story is done yet. That alone tells me that it needs to be finished.

As you can see, I have lots on the go and coming up. That alone is enough to make for an excellent year. However, there is one other thing that could change things in a big way.

For those of you who listen to my Get Published podcast, you know I had Robin Sullivan, editor of Ridan Publishing as my guest for episode 49. I simply had to get her on the show after I chatted with her one night via IM. She talked about some major shifts in self-publishing and eBooks. I won’t tell you what she said (you have to listen to episodes 49 and 50 to hear ;)) but suffice it to say it was compelling enough that I may just test the self-publishing waters. That YA novel mentioned above will likely be my first attempt at it. If I do, it will mean at least two books available by next year.

It’s all pretty exciting, but daunting too. The shear amount of work facing me is almost overwhelming. That being said, I am stoked at all the fantastic stuff I will be working on.

All this and I haven’t even talked about all the great guests I know I’ll have for Get Published. Just like the title for this post says, I’m on the Edge of Awesome. It feels great too.

What kinds of awesome are you doing in the coming year? I’d love to hear from you.

Personal Update

What you see above pretty much describes it all. 🙂


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