Calgary Horror Con 2018

I had so much fun at the Comic Expo I decided to do the Calgary Horror Con this year too. I will be at the convention (June 2 -3) featuring my Scouts of the Apocalypse series. Of course, I will be bringing the Scout badges too. 🙂 Come see me if you’re in the area. The con has some amazing guests this year.

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World Building – It’s the Little Things

World Building – Small Details Make It World Building consists of lots of big ideas interspersed with many smaller ones. Those ideas can be cultures, characters and places. But what about the small little bits you don’t really notice? I am a big fan of superheros (probably not a surprise to any of you). I love watching shows like The Flash on television. The little details they put in to make their world feel real are part of what I adore about the show. One example, the favorite coffee shop is CC Jitters. Another would be the Big Belly Burger. Are either of those elements important to any plot line? Nope. Do they give the characters something important to talk […]

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I Am Editing

If you are like me, you probably enjoy the act of creating new work more than the act of polishing it. I know there are people out there who LOVE editing their writing more than the actual writing itself. I do like the polishing, but with all the ideas in my head fighting to get out, the writing is still more enjoyable. But…unless the polishing happens, there can be no publication of stories. If there is no publication, then I’m not sharing my work with people and that is ultimately what I want to do. So, with two books at the editing stage, I am now hunkering down to get the polishing done. The current book I’m working on is Jack […]

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I Just Typed “The End” on Scouts 3

I just typed the words, “The End”, on Scouts of the Apocalypse: Zombie Masters. Let me just savour that for a moment. “The End” normally means something is finished. For we writers, it only signifies the beginning. There are still edit passes (both developmental and line), a cover, layout, getting the book to the printers, promotion and so on. Clearly, there is lots left to do. But, it means I wrote my novel from start to finish in 36 days. Is it perfect? Hardly, but a first draft (and I feel confident saying this) never is. But there is something there for me to edit now. And this series, this trilogy, is now one giant step closer to being finished. As […]

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