Feedback and Reviews

I’m not sure many readers appreciate the importance of Feedback and Reviews. For those people, allow me to assure you, both are VERY important although for different reasons. Feedback I have been fortunate enough to receive feedback from readers on many of my books. Most recently, a lovely lady sent me a DM to inform me she and her son both love my Mik Murdoch books. They have read them all and she had taken the time to talk about them on Instagram. I can’t tell you how important that DM was. Like many of you, I have been feeling the challenges of being home alone all day, most days. COVID has severely restricted my movement; my wife works in […]

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Reviews are Critical! And Needed…

Believe it or not, an author’s success is not based on selling books…at least, not just on selling books. Okay, I realize that is a counter-intuitive statement, but let me explain. If I sell 100 books to friends and family who have me sign said books to go up on their shelves, all I’ve done is sent 100 books out into the world to collect dust. Those friends and family who don’t actually read the books might tell the occasional visitor (who asks about the book) about how they have a friend or family member who is a writer. Likely, that is where the word-of-mouth promotion ends. On the other hand, if I sell 20 books to strangers who read […]

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I love hearing from my readers but…

This is one of those phrases I never thought would end in the word, “but”. And even though I have said those words, the “but” is a soft one. Still, it is important to explain why I have caught myself saying those words on more than one occasion. As a writer I love hearing how people are enjoying my work. As a writer who is trying to make a living writing, hearing this doesn’t help as much as you might think. While it does serve to motivate me to write more, the unfortunate truth of the situation is, me knowing you liked something I did doesn’t spread the word. It doesn’t let other readers know you like my work and […]

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All I Want for Christmas

There are so many things I could wish for at Christmas time. Peace on Earth. Good will toward all humankind. A best-selling book. Heck, even a boatload of cash would be welcome, but I think I’m going to set my sights a little bit lower. Are you ready to hear my Christmas holiday wish? Here it is: all I want is a review. If you have read/listened to/watched something I have done and gotten anything from it, please leave me a review on it. Goodreads, Amazon, Chapters-Indigo, Barnes & Noble, Wattpad, iTunes. Wherever, it doesn’t matter. Just leave one. It helps spread the word, it helps me know what, if anything, people are getting from my work and it helps […]

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