People Watching

One of the most common questions I see (yes, see not hear) is “where do you get your ideas from?”  I say see, because I always seem to see it when I’m reading interviews with writers.  Personally, I don’t think I’ve had that question more than once or twice. Maybe it’s because my ideas don’t seem quite as interesting as someone else’s? Whatever the reason, I’m going to assume for a moment that you, dear reader, would like to know where I get some of the ideas for my stories.  That’s not what you’d like to know?  Sorry… what was that?  You’re kind of fading out on me…  Nothing to say?  Fine, let’s push on. I could tell you that […]

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Why I Write

Everyone seems to be in a reflective mood this week.  I’m not sure if it’s because we’re all in the Winter Doldrums, going through work-related issues or just suffering existential-angst, but it’s affecting me too. The further down the writing pathway I get, the more I think about why I write in the first place.  Is it because I want fame and fortune?  Hmm… not really.  How about awards and recognition?  Again, the answer would have to be no. Don’t get me wrong, if I were to become famous and wealthy from writing, I wouldn’t complain.  The same goes for getting recognized by others for being good at this craft. Still, I think it’s much more fundamental than that.  When […]

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Setting the Record Straight

For those of you who read the site last week, you know that Sean was asking for feedback on what to do next.  He was also asking the SWN team to “weigh in” and comment on where they see the site going. You’ll also know that my entry didn’t quite fit the theme. All I can say is “Guilty as charged”.  You see, I was out of town for work all last week, so I pre-wrote my article on Sunday, well before Sean ever brought forth the week’s “Theme”.  I knew it was pre-write or risk missing my posting date, so I took the former path way. That’s not to say I don’t have anything to say about where I […]

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Self Doubt

Do you ever go into the book store, look at the shelves and wonder what the heck you were thinking?  Do you wonder if it’s pure arrogance on your part to think that your work is good enough to sit on those shelves too?  I do… all the time in fact.  But doing it now is a source of motivation for me now while in the past it served to do the exact opposite. Perhaps I should explain myself a bit more. There was a time that I loved going into the book store to see what new worlds were waiting to be explored.  Then, when I made the conscious decision to try my own hand at writing, it became […]

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