What a Difference a Couple Days Make

It always amazes me how much difference a couple days make. Monday, I was feeling a bit down for several reasons and today I am re-energized.

Manic-depressive, much?

The truth is, it doesn’t take much to drag you down. It also doesn’t take much to lift your spirits. In my case, I was notified that someone nominated Get Published for a Parsec award. For those of you who don’t know, Parsecs are podcasting awards. I have been fortunate to have been nominated every year Get Published has been out. I’ve even been short-listed a couple times. Maybe this will be the year!

This morning, I got an email from Katharina Bordet telling me that my short story “You Can Never Go Home Again” that was podcast by Every Photo Tells, has also been nominated.

Both are very cool bits of news that has brightened my week. There has also been some other good news that I can’t quite share yet.

So, I am closer to my normal for the first time in a while. Let the creativity kick back into high gear!

More news to follow.


One comment

  1. Awesome congrats Mike! I’m super excited too. My short story that Every Photo did called “Stuffed Monster” was nominated too! Best of luck buddy, especially on your Get Published nomination 😉

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