The Scouts are Coming to Save the Day

I have been involved with Scouts as a leader for more than twelve years now and I’m always getting something new and refreshing from my experiences with them.

One thing I never really anticipated was the stories I would get from them. I mean, I get ideas from everything I do, but never did I think a full-blown story would come.

I think I may have talked about my book Scouts of the Apocalypse once or twice. That book came from a campfire story I told my Scout troop. By the time I got home, I knew I had something special. That was based on the reactions I got from the scouts at camp and on the way home.

So, I wrote the book. Revised the book. Planned for the day the book would be available.

I’m very happy to say that day is fast approaching. Holy cow is it coming fast! In fact, it should be released sometime in mid June in both print and eBook format from Evil Alter Ego Press.

I’ve had my alpha and beta readers take this story apart. I have another fantastic cover on its way and I’ve got an editor polishing it to a shine. The layout should begin in the next week or so and then off to the printers.

I really cannot wait!

Especially when, everyone who has read or heard the story tells me how good it is. That is the icing on the cake when I consider how special the story is. Reading it again took me right back to the campfire where I first told it to a rapt audience.

And, even better, I now know that this isn’t a one-of book. The story always needed to be told in many parts. It now looks like many equals three books. I love that I’m not done with the story yet.

I will post the details when the book is available and I hope to do a cover reveal very soon.


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