The Jury is Still Out

I’ve finished putting Boyscouts of the Apocalypse up on Wattpad and I’m still waiting and watching to see if  I get the full results I was hoping for. So far, I’ve had a good response to the story. Not stellar, mind you, but good. The exercise has helped me to solidify my own plans for the story.

And just what are those plans, you might ask (or perhaps you might not)?

Well, since I’ve now got two books published (Mik Murdoch, Boy Superhero and A Method to the Madness: A Guide to the Super Evil), I’ve been wanting to try a few cross-promotion ideas. The problem with the aforementioned books is, my publisher has a stake in their well-being and sales and I don’t have the flexibility I want to try those ideas out.

Things like bundling paper and eBooks can be done and I can bundle both books together. At least when I’m hand-selling at conventions. Giving one away to support the other is difficult because of the costs involved.

But, if I had a completed book that I’ve self-published, I would be able to control those costs better (meaning, keep them lower) which might allow me to do some of the other things I’ve wanted to try.

And that is where I am seeing Boyscouts fall. I think I will self-publish the book in the early spring and both sell it on its own and use it to help promote my other books and writing.

Either that, or something amazing will happen with Wattpad and I will gain fame and fortune from Boyscouts through some other avenue. I can deal with both possibilities.

Regardless, Wattpad has been a good experience so far. I’ve managed to connect with some people and my story has been seen more times than ever before. In fact, I have already started putting GalaxyBillies up with the same ideas in mind. Hopefully one or the other will garner me fame and fortune. 😉


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