
Have you ever been faced with difficulty writing after finishing a big, high-energy project? I know I have. It usually starts out as me telling myself I’ve earned a (brief) break after burning the midnight oil to finish something.

The problem usually is, brief often becomes prolonged.

I know, I really pushed to get Mik Murdoch 2 finished. I wrote more than 30,000 words in under 2-weeks to ensure it would be complete by the end of my holidays. Then I took a short break. I didn’t fall into the trap of letting it extend.

I immediately followed that up with two short stories I had been meaning to write for two anthologies. That also was a relatively fast write (12,000 words and editing in 2-weeks). Plus I was plotting GalaxyBillies 2 and continuing to podcast. That second stint required an additional break, this time not quite so brief.

Please, keep in mind that I was working full-time as well.

I put Boyscouts of the Apocalypse up on Wattpad about then and I considered other projects that could be coming on the horizon.

That signaled a slowdown for me. One which I’ve been having some trouble getting away from. It hasn’t helped that my other obligations are pulling me in multiple directions right now. One thing I want to make clear, I’m not complaining. I’m just finding it tough to get back to the productivity levels I enjoyed earlier this year.

One thing though, I have a feeling the doldrums I’m experiencing are about to end. I had a great chat with JR Murdock last night which has reinvigorated me. I think the chat had me realize my struggles. That realization was important. For me, knowing about an issue is always the first step to fixing it. This time is no different. I now know what I need to do. The excitement of a new project is already starting to rise.

I think I shall begin by starting to put GalaxyBillies up  on Wattpad. I’ll do it a bit more slowly than I put up Boyscouts. While I’m doing that, I’m going to start writing the next GalaxyBillies for Action Pack Podcast, season 2. That should keep me out of trouble until the first round of edits comes for Mik Murdoch 2.

I’m just going to try and take it a bit slower so the candle doesn’t burn out as quickly.


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