NaNoWriMo – Day 15

So, according to the date, I should now be at 25,000 words to be on track. I’m happy to report that I’m significantly ahead of that number. I finished the day with xx,xxx words to my credit. Believe me, it feels awesome to be in control of my NaNoWriMo.

I got some writing done this morning and what a difference plotting makes. I was able to knock off about 150 words despite only having ten minutes to work on the story. Obviously 150 words is a drop in the bucket towards hitting my daily total, but they are words I didn’t have to write later on.

So, I had Scouts tonight and the boys were being somewhat trying. That’s alright, but it meant I got home mentally exhausted and more than a little disillusioned. It happens from time to time so I just have to pull myself back up and keep going. That takes me a little while to get myself turned around so I wasn’t able to start writing immediately. In fact, it was probably an hour before I got down to it.

But once I got going, the going was good.

I actually worked on my Pirate story tonight. The Pirate story is for submission to an anthology being put out by my Twitter friend VG_Ford. The anthology is a follow up to her first one which was themed “Pirates and Magic”. I believe it was titled “Rum and Rogues”. It did so well that she is following up with a similarly themed anthology.

You might remember, I interviewed Val for my podcast earlier this year. I enjoyed talking with her really loved the anthology’s theme so I decided to write a Pirate and Magic story. I’m also throwing in some steampunk elements (a la’ Stardust Lightning Fishermen). This is actually the second iteration of the story (well, maybe iteration is the wrong word. It’s actually the second attempt at the story). I really wasn’t enjoying the first version of the story so I stopped writing it. I thought of this one which has totally different characters and plot instead.

THIS one, I’m having fun with. It is just about half way done and has much more interesting things happening in it.

So that was my writing for tonight. I worked on my original NaNoNovel idea this morning which is so much fun to write. I know you will all enjoy it.

Morning Word Count: 168 words

Mid-day Word Count: 0

Evening Word Count: 1651 words

Total for Day: 1819 words

NaNo to date: 39,447 words


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