Mik Murdoch: The Power Within Update

I have been asked by many people, “When is the next Mik Murdoch book coming out?”

While I don’t have a definitive date for the release of the next book, I can assure you, I am working diligently on it. I received my first set of edits back from the publisher in November and I have been writing/rewriting/revising ever since.

Why so long? Well, my publisher and I want to give you the best book possible. That and I have this little thing called a day job. I need that to pay my bills and feed my family.

I have a self-imposed deadline of the end-of-March to finish this round of edits. Once they are complete, I will be sending it back to my publisher. If everything works out, it should be available late this year.

If you are wondering what I am talking about or have been waiting for the right time to pick up Mik Murdoch, Boy Superhero (the first in the series), Kobo has a great deal right now. They have an offer code (Promo Code: MARCHOFFER) that will get you up to 70% off Young Adult and Teen books in March. You can order the first Mik Murdoch for a great price and be ready for the next one.

Your interest and support are really appreciated. Thank you so much.


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