Is a Break Really as Good as a Rest?

Well, I just came back from a 4-day weekend where I worked every day to lay a laminate floor for my mom.  I decided before I left that I wouldn’t be taking my laptop (and hence my primary writing tool) along.  It was time to take a break from the writing.

The problem is, when I got home yesterday, the thoughts of writing came flooding back along with something else… guilt.  I felt guilty that I hadn’t been writing for 4 days.  All the story and plot and character ideas attacked my mind en masse and as a result, I didn’t get much sleep.

That means that while I took a break, I’m not feeling terribly rested.  Quite the opposite, in fact, since I’m stiff and sore in places I didn’t even know I could be stiff and sore in.  I must be getting soft.

I had hoped to have at least three chapters of “The Goddess Renewed” done for next weekend, but that won’t be done.  It’s a good thing too because I was thinking about the story and I realized something.  I’ve only ever thought about the story from the main protagonists’ perspectives.

I was thinking about how to best describe the story when the realization hit.  I’m writing a story about a guy (and a girl) who are caught in the midst of a brewing civil war.  Thinking about it that way, the scope of the story suddenly blossoms and the actions of many of the characters becomes more clear.

This will make the story better, but it also means I have more writing to do.  I’m perfectly alright with that.  I’ve just got to get at it.

I watched the Double Trouble run on Amazon as long as I could last Friday.  I’ve heard that both books broke the top-50 Amazon books for the day, but I haven’t heard exactly where they ended up.  If any of you know, please leave a comment.

That’s it for now.  I’m off next week (again), but this time I’m taking the laptop along.


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