Playing for Keeps Shoutout

August seems to be a busy month for taking runs on Amazon.  As you know, Tee Morris and Phillipa Ballantine both took their turn on August 8th in their “Double Trouble” promotion.  For Tee and Pip, it was the charge of the sequels and showing how new media can help established authors.

Coming up on August 25th it’s Mur Lafferty’s turn.  Mur has been called by some, the Queen of Podcasting and she certainly has the credentials to back that up.  She podcast her book “Playing for Keeps” to a massive audience; 10’s of thousands of subscribed listeners (myself included).  She will be trying to climb the Amazon charts and prove that her listening audience will follow her to the published form of her book.

I gave her the same opportunity that Tee and Pip had.  Five questions for her to answer to tell us what she is trying to do and who she is.  Enjoy.

1. What are you trying to accomplish August 25th?

I’m trying to push a small press book up the Amazon charts so that it will get more attention. If 1000 people buy the book spread out across a couple of weeks, it won’t affect the charts, but if everyone buys on August 25, the book will gain notice.

2. What is your book about?

People with superpowers that aren’t necessarily crime-fighting in nature. The “real” superheroes are licensed with The Academy and allowed to fight crime, but my protagonists are just told they’re not strong enough, with their powers to remove alcohol from someone’s bloodstream, or the ability to regrow amputated limbs.

3. Where can people find you in the Podosphere and Internet?

All of my work can be found at one central site – <> . Playing For Keeps has its own site as well, at <>  

4. What do you need us to do to support “Playing for Keeps”?

Spread the word, blog, go to and review the book, tag it, and buy it on August 25.

5. Just who the heck are you, anyway?

writer, content creator and producer, stay at home mom, gamer, geek… what else do you want to know? 🙂

I know I’ve said this before but it bares repeating.  We, the public should be the ones to decide what gets published.  If we like something (and PFK is awesome) then we should stand up and be heard.  I urge you to join me on August 25th and do everything we can to help Mur achieve her goals. 


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