Get Published Episode 118 – Veronica Giguere Talks Audio Books

I listen to a lot of podcast fiction and one name that keeps coming up as a narrator extraordinaire is Veronica Giguere. I had the opportunity to meet Veronica at Balticon last May and she is pretty amazing to put it mildly. I knew I had to get her on the show. And today, you will have the opportunity to listen to my interview with Veronica where we talk about audio books and narration and bunch of other things.

I also have been working on something with my publisher that I think will be a game changer for any authors out there who do signings and appearances. I talk about that in the Tips and Typos section.

Finally, before we get going with the show, I wanted to mention an event that is happening in Toronto on September 22nd. For those of you able to attend, there is a Magical Evening with several Canadian authors. I will be playing their promo for more information.

And with that, let’s get this show on the road. I hope you enjoy it!

Show Notes

00:00 — Opening – Get Published Episode 118 – Veronica Giguere Talks Audio Books

Everything has to start somewhere and this is the start of “Get Published”

00:14 — Introduction – Get Published Episode 118 – Veronica Giguere Talks Audio Books (continued)

Welcome to the show.

01:29 – Promo – The Magical Evening

02:06 -Tips and Typos

Mike talks about eBook cards and why they can be a game-changer for authors who attend conventions, signings, etc. He talks about and how they might be the right choice.

05:47 Promo: Walk the Flames Kickstarter

07:02 — Get Published Episode 118 – Veronica Giguere Talks Audio Books (continued)

Mike and Veronica talk about voice narration, audio books and what goes into creating an audio book.

52:07 – Promo – Every Photo Tells

53:16 — Closing

Thank you for listening.

Websites mentioned in this episode:

Veronica Giguere – –

Walk the Flames Kickstarter –

Every Photo Tells –



  1. I’m just wondering where the podcast is for episode 118. I would like to hear this one. Great show!

  2. Sorry about that, Eric. My player acted up a couple weeks ago and disconnected some episodes from their audio. I thought I had fixed them all, but obviously missed 118. It should be fixed now.

    I’m glad you enjoy the show. Veronica is pretty awesome so I know you get something out of this one too. 🙂


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