Announcement #1

Announcement #1

I love it when I have something announcement worthy. At this very moment, I have two things, but I’m only going to give you one today (because I like to keep all you lovely people in suspense). Hence Announcement #1.

So, without further ado: The Goddess Renewed is now available as both an eBook AND a print novel.

The publisher, Champagne books, typically release their new books in eBook format first followed a few months later in print form. This is true for The Goddess Renewed too.

Beyond simply having another book on my brag shelf (admittedly, I almost never bring people into my office to show off the books on that shelf), having a print version of the book means I can sell the book directly to people. That is important when I attend events like the upcoming Calgary Comic and Entertainment Expo (eBooks are difficult to sell at these things; trust me, I’ve tried).

There is also nothing quite the same as holding a new book in your hands.

What is it about?

Just to refresh your memories, here is the back-blurb:

When his family disappears, Kalten knows he must find them at any cost. He desserts his post and meets up with an angry young woman with a vendetta of her own. Their chance meeting draws them into a world of intrigue and danger where they must uncover the plot against the crown. With the aid of a former goddess and a rebellious young dragon, they face a world that seems to be rising up against them.

The Goddess Renewed is my first adult fantasy novel and the beginning of a new series.

Where can you get the book?

The Goddess Renewed is available as both an eBook and print book directly from Champagne Books. In full transparency, purchasing this book from there (not to mention the Jack Kane books) garners me the biggest amount of royalty.

You can also get it directly from Amazon if you prefer or order it from any brick and mortar or online bookstore you chose to frequent.

But what about Announcement #2?

Don’t worry. I will have the second announcement out very soon. It’s a good one so stay tuned. 🙂


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