Writing Process

I have seen and heard the question asked, “How do you write?”

The answer I hear most often is, it depends on the writer. Some writers are planners, some discover their writing as they go. For me? The best answer I can give is, “It depends.”JackKane-EBOOK

For example, when JR Murdock and I are preparing to write our Jack Kane novels (one of which is published already and another is being worked on) we plot and plan to the nth degree.

When I write my Mik Murdoch books (again, two published and one at the publisher) I do a combination of the two. I plot high level, mik_2cgetting more granular on the two or three chapters I’m immediately faced with. I work out the details and add additional plot points and scenes as I write.

Then there are books like GalaxyBillies (on Wattpad) and Scouts of the Apocalypse (published here) where I knew the beginning and the end relying on my imagination (and a lot of luck) to fill in the middle.

SotA-finalAnd now I’m working on Scouts of the Apocalypse 2 and I’m doing it similarly to the first but still different. I made a decision a few weeks ago to kick the project back into gear by telling the story around the campfire. Like the first book, I knew the beginning and the end. The soft juicy bits I left to the imagination (and actual telling).

I’m writing the campfire version down (in Scrivener, in case you were wondering) and then I’m going to tear it apart. Put the elements of the story into chapters and I will be plotting beyond that. Again, sort of a hybrid solution.

The plotting is to make what I told more fleshed out and interesting. I think it will work quite nicely. AND it will result in the second book in the trilogy out next year. Maybe even early next year.

So there you have it. I write in whatever way works for the story and situation. How about you?


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