I submitted my Mik Murdoch: The Power Within manuscript a few months ago. I will admit, when I emailed it to my publisher and editors it was with a sigh of relief and a hope for some downtime.
What I always fail to do is consider all of the other stuff I have going on all the time. Yes, there is family, and house and work, but I’m talking about trying to move the writing career yardstick forward.
That means, podcasting, blogging, more writing, submitting, editing, revising, plotting, and networking. Did I mention website, promotion and marketing? I didn’t? Well, those also need care and attention.
I have attended no less than four conventions since turning in the manuscript. I have written (and sold) two short stories and plotted several more. I have also put Boyscouts of the Apocalypse up on Wattpad (in the process of doing GalaxyBillies) and I’ve put out several podcast episodes and blog posts.
Downtime doesn’t mean what it used to. Now downtime only means that I’m juggling two or three projects instead of six or seven. I’m starting to realize that it isn’t a writing career I’m working towards, but a writing life (or lifestyle).
My wife and children have accepted that. I’m not sure why I haven’t completely clued in yet.
Have a good day.