In My Corner

I talk a lot about trying to find time/make time to write. I don’t talk enough about what enables me to actually sit down and do my writing.

That would be my family (and to a lesser, but equally important extent, my friends).

When I have writing that needs to be done, my spouse and children have always allowed me to do what was necessary. Even those times when they had activities going on that required my attention, they put them on hold for my writing. Without that support, I could never have done what I’ve done so far and will do in the future.

So why am I talking about it now?

Well, today I fly to Toronto to attend the World Fantasy Convention. This will be my third one, but my first as a Pro. It represents a lot of hard work, sacrifice and time invested. It is also a big expense.

My wife didn’t even blink when I talked about going a year ago (right after I returned from WFC in San Diego, in fact). She had already heard the strides I had taken at my second one. The contacts made and the interest shown in my work. She knew why it was important that I go.

So today, I am taking another step in my journey as a writer. I am going to my first WFC as a professional. There was a time when that seemed like a fairy tale. Now it is reality.

And only because of my family and friends supporting my dream and continuing to support it. I couldn’t have done it without them and you.


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