My Heart is Breaking

Tonight I decided to spend some time with my son. We sat and watched a movie together. That was nice and, perhaps is why what I’m about to say is so hard.

You see, my co-editor for the anthology, “A Method to the Madness: A Guide to the Super Evil”, Jeff Hite and his lovely wife were expecting a baby. Yesterday, Isabel Grace was born. Unfortunately, she passed away shortly after her birth.

My eyes are tearing up just writing these words.

Jeff and I have never met in person, but he has become a great friend. I have learned how kind a man he is and I have a pretty good sense of who he is and and what he stands for. I came downstairs from enjoying time with my son to read about the loss of his daughter and it felt like a dagger plunging into my heart.

Words truly cannot express my sorrow right now.

Earlier last night I was feeling pretty sorry for myself. Work hasn’t been fun, I’ve been traveling a lot and was tired. All that feels pretty insignificant now.

Jeff, please know that you and your entire family are in my thoughts and prayers. I know you will move forward, but I also know that some of the light in your life has dimmed. All I can say is, continue to enjoy your family. Take joy from them. The anthology will still be here when you are ready.




  1. Thank you for posting this Mike. Though I’ve never met Jeff either, he is a great friend. I’m glad I know so that I can be praying for him and his family. My heart breaks as well.

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