Big News!

As you may know, J.R. Murdock and I collaborated a couple years ago on a book. We wrote what we hoped would be the first book in a new YA/Steampunk/Superhero series.

Writing as a team was a real learning experience with ups and downs, but we managed to finish the book, currently titled “Jack Kane and the Statue of Liberty”. J.R. wrote the protagonist POV and I wrote the antagonist.

The story went through several editorial iterations before we felt it was ready to submit. And submit we did!

And today, I am very pleased to announce that we have signed a book deal with Champagne Books. The book should be out in the fall of 2014.

And, in case you are wondering, we have already fully plotted out book 2 of the series. I know we will be talking with our publisher about that one in the new year.



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