A last minute decision is still a decision

I made a decision this morning. It freaks me out a little, but now that I’ve made it, I’m committed (or maybe should be). Is it too late? Not by a long shot. NaNoWriMo only began today so I have an entire month to meet my goals.

The most important headline here is, I decided to participate.

What was that decision, you might ask? Well, I decided to do NaNoWriMo again this year after a two year hiatus.

I won’t go over what NaNoWriMo is – I know I’ve talked about it at length in the past – but I will give you my reasons why I’ve decided to do it again this year.


One of the things I’ve been missing the past few years is that sense of community when I write. I know that writing is a solitary occupation, but it doesn’t have to be lonely. There are plenty of other writers out there who you can share your (and their) journey with. I’m hoping to get some of that back.

Kick in the pants (i.e. Motivation)

I’ve been plenty busy the past few years. I just haven’t been busy writing as much as I would like. I always rise to the occasion when I join NaNo. I am counting on that to be the same again this year.

It provides a focal point

I have a lot going on right now (as I’m sure many of you do, too). What I’ve been finding is, while the story wants to move forward, it keeps getting shoved into the background by the minutiae of life. Knowing I have a hard goal and a means to track it will keep this in the top list of things to do daily.

Build a new writing habit

Writing consistently takes a good routine. I’m hoping to rebuild that.

Join me doing NaNoWriMo

As I said above, community is something I’ve really missed. If you want to be part of my NaNo journey, please sign up and join me.

Last thoughts

Hello everyone. It’s been too long!

I’ve been quietly making my way through my “honeydo” list the past many months. That has meant a lot of family time and activities for the family. While the list is not complete, it IS considerably shorter so I’m getting back to my writerly ways. The characters have been clamouring for attention and it’s time.

If you want to reconnect, please reach out to me. Author at michellplested.com.

Talk to you soon.


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