2010 In Review

I know everyone has been reviewing 2010 since it is the beginning of a new year and I’ve decided to do the same. Why? Because I believe in celebrating successes and identifying problems so I don’t repeat them.

So let’s begin with problems.

I came into 2010 working a contract. That contract ended in April. I actually started looking for work in January but didn’t find anything until August. I came very close a couple times, but nothing happened until August. I was very lucky to have a good friend recommend me for the job I’m currently doing. It isn’t what I was doing before or even what I’m trained to do, but I’m enjoying it. I just wish it paid closer to what I used to earn.

That experience working contract has made me more than a little skittish. I will be extremely reluctant to accept another contract for a while.

Quite honestly, that was the biggest pain of 2010. The only other thing I would mention is that I didn’t give my efforts to get published enough consideration in the early part of the year.

Now for the successes and there were several.

In 2010 I had my best writing year ever:

  • I managed to write six new short stories.
  • I sold three short stories. My first writing sales ever.
  • I published my first ever article.
  • I sold my first book. “Mik Murdoch, Boy Superhero” is scheduled for a 2012 release.
  • I wrote and podcast “GalaxyBillies”. I have high hopes that I will find a publisher for it.
  • Got a good start on a “secret project” that could do very well.
  • Get Published continues to be a lot of fun to produce.

Non-writing but equally positive things to celebrate include: a nice holiday with my family, my family, a trip to Balticon (my first) and good health.

I know the negatives are only a bump in the road and I have too many positives in my life to fret. I do believe 2011 will be an even better year. I have the ability and determination to keep my writing success continuing and, with my family behind me, I cannot lose.

How is your 2011 shaping up? I hope it will be as fantastic as you want it to be.


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