2010, A Mixed Bag, Really

On this, the end of 2010, I find myself reflecting on the past year as so many of us do on New Year’s Eve. As much as I would love to say the past year was the best ever, I’m forced to concede that it’s probably more of a draw than a win.

On the plus side (might as well start positive, right?):

  • Sold first, then second, then third short stories EVER. For someone (namely me) who was desperate to get his work published, I count this as a major achievement.
  • Sold first novel, a YA story called “Mik Murdoch, Boy Superhero”. I count this an even BIGGER achievement than the previous one since I’ve been trying to do exactly that for more than seven years. The book is scheduled for release in 2012.
  • Wrote seven new short stories, three of which were published and three more which are currently under consideration.
  • Wrote and podcast my first SciFi Comedy novel, “GalaxyBillies”. I will be revising the book in the new year with the expectation that I will sell it.
  • Wrote and had published my first non-fiction article.
  • Began a secret collaboration project. My first. I have high hopes for it as does my writing partner.
  • Had a wonderful year of podcasting “Get Published”. Had 26 new episodes with many amazing guests. Learned many new things which I am putting towards my own writing career.
  • Attended my first (and hopefully not my last) Balticon. Met many of my online friends and even made a few new ones. It is truly the mecca for podcasters.
  • Found a new job after four months at home.

Now, onto the negative side of the equation (you knew there had to be one, right?):

  • My contract expired a month early and I sat at home for four months before I found another job. Truly, this is the biggest negative because in that four months I was offered two different jobs only to have both pulled at the last minute. I had numerous interviews where I got very close, again to not get the job without any explanation. The three headhunters (supposedly) working on my behalf provided absolutely no benefit at all. My unemployment, which claimed to pay up to 55% of my previous wage was more like 20% and didn’t come anywhere close to covering the bills.
  • New job is for a GREAT company. They appreciate me and treat me very well. Unfortunately, they are unable to pay me anywhere close to what I used to make which has forced my wife to get a second job.

You will note that the plus category is considerably longer than the minus. However, the minuses are HUGE and directly affect my family which more than makes up for the small list. The plus category is primarily made up of writing wins which are wonderful in terms of my long term goals and dreams. Unfortunately, they fail miserably in providing a meaningful amount of income. Hopefully that will come as I continue to work as an author.

What I can definitely say was a big win for me was all the people who have supported me and been there to encourage me along. You all have made this a great journey and I know next year will be even better.

Thank you so much for everything. Have a Happy New Year and please be safe.


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