Get Published Episode 92 – Starla Huchton Talks Covers

Covers are a very important part of any book. A good cover can intrigue and encourage readers to try a book they might not otherwise look at and a bad one might just cause that same reader to pass it by.

In today’s show, I talk to Cover Designer, writer, voice artist and podcaster, Starla Huchton about covers and what she thinks are important considerations. We also talk about how taking a chance in a writing contest has given valuable exposure to her writing.

I also talk about something that I hadn’t really thought about before and that is an author’s signing survival kit.

That’s today’s episode. I hope you enjoy it.

Show Notes

00:00 — Opening – Get Published Episode 92 – Starla Huchton Talks Covers

Everything has to start somewhere and this is the start of “Get Published”

00:14 — Introduction – Get Published Episode 92 – Starla Huchton Talks Covers

Welcome to the show.

01:00 Promo: Pendragon Variety Podcast

01:41 -Tips and Typos

Mike talks about using personal experiences in your writing.

04:26 – Promo – Nutty Bites

04:56 — Get Published Episode 92 – Starla Huchton Talks Covers (continued)

Starla and Mike talk about book cover design, the value of entering writing contests and Starla’s writing.

46:45 – Promo – Flying Island Press

47:30 — Closing

Thank you for listening.

Websites mentioned in this episode:

Michell Plested –

Starla Huchton –

Pendragon Variety Podcast –

NIMLAS Studios/Nutty Bites –

Flying Island Press –


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