Get Published Episode 53 – JR Murdock Self Publishes Astel

A Twitterfriend of my mine, JR Murdock, is self-publishing his YA Fantasy novel Astel. He tells me it is partially prompted by this show and the growing interest and success of self-publishing. Especially for eBooks.

Naturally, I had to get him on the show to learn more about his endeavour and what he has learned by doing it himself. He has become quite the resource for DIY publishing. He has also kindly provided a rebate code for his book in case you would like to purchase a copy of your own.

For the print edition – and use the discount code HCKBWXRB to get $2 off

For the ebook edition – – SQ67K to get 50% off

I was also fortunate to get another segment from CA Marshall for “Tips and Typos”. In this segment she talks about query letters. Certainly a shortcoming of mine.

Last but not least, I’ve been hinting about a secret project for several weeks/months. In this episode I actually begin talking about it.

That’s the lineup for today’s show. I hope you enjoy it.

Show Notes

00:00 — Opening – Get Published Episode 53 – JR Murdock Self Publishes Astel

  • Everything has to start somewhere and this is the start of “Get Published”

00:14 — Introduction – Get Published Episode 53 – JR Murdock Self Publishes Astel

Welcome to the show.

01:33 — Promo – The Shrinking Man Project

02:40— Tips and Typos – Get Published Episode 53 – JR Murdock Self Publishes Astel (continued)

  • CA Marshall talks about Query Letters
  • Email feedback at getpublishedpodcast dot com with your comments

12:50 – Promo – View from Valhalla

13:03 — Get Published Episode 53 – JR Murdock Self Publishes Astel (continued)

JR Murdock talks about his experiences self-publishing his YA Fantasy novel, Astel

1:00:35 — Promo – Explorers Anthology

1:01:58 — Closing

Thank you for listening.

Websites mentioned in this episode:

JR Murdock –

CA Marshall –

The Shrinking Man Project –

View from Valhalla –

Explorers Anthology – –


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