Get Published Episode 131 – Leanne Shirtliffe talks Humour

Much of my writing contains humour. I would like to think that the humour is intentional and usually funny, but often I think the funny moments happen largely by accident. That’s why I invited Leanne Shirtliffe to come on the show. Leanne is a humour writer with great experience in several different genres and mediums both fiction and non-fiction. We talk about a lot of things and almost manage to get at the meat of what makes humour. It was a great conversation that I know will have to be continued on a later episode.

For the middle part of the show, I talk about Steampunk writing. You may be asking yourself what I know about Steampunk. The truth is, there are a lot of people with more experience with Steampunk, but I thought I would share some of my learnings taken from writing Jack Kane and the Statue of Liberty with JR Murdock. In case you were wondering, that book should be out later this year from Champagne books.

That’s today’s show, I hope you enjoy it.

Show Notes

00:00 — Opening – Get Published Episode 131 – Leanne Shirtliffe talks Humour

Everything has to start somewhere and this is the start of “Get Published”

00:14 — Introduction – Get Published Episode 131 – Leanne Shirtliffe talks Humour (continued)

Welcome to the show.

01:22 – Promo – Flash Pulp

01:47 – Tips and Typos

Mike talks about how to write Steampunk.

08:38 – Promo – Saturday B Movie Reel

09:38 Get Published Episode 131 – Leanne Shirtliffe talks Humour (continued)

Mike and Leanne talk about screenwriting, novels, rejection and much more:

  • getting an agent, overnight success, not enough feedback, pick me up file, what your agent does, positive rejections, people like to be part of the process, getting to know your editor, fiction sales vs non fiction, authors sell books, picture books, collaboration, “The Change Your Name Store”, “the Mommifesto”, uses for twitter,
    the 1/3 rule for twitter, being an ADHD writer,  Can’t decide what to genre write.

54:33 – Promo – Pop Mockers

55:04 — Closing

Thank you for listening.


Websites mentioned in this episode:

Leanne Shirtliffe –

Flash Pulp –

Saturday B Movie Reel –

Pop Mockers –


Special Thanks to Jeffrey Hite for assisting in the production of Get Published.


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