Life’s a Beach

I’ve been looking forward to March for a while. That’s because I set a deadline to finish my first round of edits on Mik Murdoch: The Power Within for my editor. It is also because it looks like JR Murdock (no relation to Mik Murdoch – I wrote the book before I knew JR)  and I will be tackling revisions on our book, Jack Kane and the Statue of Liberty.

Those sound like good things, right?

Except, now that I’m in March, I’m finding that I suddenly have a lot of demands on my time. Demands that don’t necessarily improve my ability to write and revise.

C’est la vie, c’est la guerre, c’est écrit.

It could be much worse, I suppose. I could have no writing, no revision, no interest from anyone.

So, rather than complain, I’m going to celebrate being busy and get this work done. I’ve got words to revise, pilgrim. Time to get them done.


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