NaNoWriMo 2015

If you’ve ever wanted to challenge yourself in your writing, I highly encourage you to try NaNoWriMo this year. In a nutshell, NaNoWriMo is a self-challenge to write a 50,000 word novel in 30 days. Sounds impossible? It really isn’t. Especially because their is a wonderful website ( that helps you track your words, connects you to other writers taking the challenge AND provides emails of encouragement the entire month. I have actually won NaNo five times (or is it six) since I started doing it. In fact, two of my NaNo novels have gone on to be published. Alas, I won’t be officially participating this year. A crazy schedule has seen to it that I simply cannot dedicate myself […]

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Lost Momentum

I was going great guns with NaNoWriMo the first week and then the wheels fell off. I took my Scouts out to camp Saturday and Sunday so no writing got done: Saturday because I was no where near electricity and Sunday because I was tired from Sunday. At least, that’s my story. I did manage to write again Monday and Tuesday (and again today) but the pace of my writing was only about half what it had been. Still, I’m sitting just shy of 30,000 words as I write this, so I’m still doing okay. I just have to pull my socks back up so I can take a good run at the 70,000 word personal goal. I’m not panicking […]

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I hear stories from my fellow authors all the time about how someone has reached out to them to say how much something they wrote has changed their life. I’ve always envied those people hoping to have something similar happen to me. Yesterday it did. I received a note about a story I wrote for the shear fun of it. One I hoped people would enjoy but also one I didn’t think would make any kind of an impact other than entertainment. Then, I got a note on Wattpad from one of my readers. He thanked me for the great story. I thanked him for his comment and then it happened. He replied back telling me how he was fighting […]

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NaNoWriMo – Day 26

I had a great writing night tonight. I finished the day with 2229 words to bring my NaNoWriMo total to 55,025 words. I also finished the first draft of one of my short stories which I am really happy about. Unfortunately, the night finished with a bit of a sour note. Without going into any details, I was accused (in jest or not it was still an accusation) of being anti-social because I haven’t attended any meet-ups the past two years. I thought about that trying to understand if the accusations were valid or not. I thought about my several recurring weekly commitments that essentially eliminate my availability Monday – Thursday. Monday is often a meet up day as, I […]

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