
I hear stories from my fellow authors all the time about how someone has reached out to them to say how much something they wrote has changed their life. I’ve always envied those people hoping to have something similar happen to me.

Yesterday it did.

I received a note about a story I wrote for the shear fun of it. One I hoped people would enjoy but also one I didn’t think would make any kind of an impact other than entertainment.

Then, I got a note on Wattpad from one of my readers. He thanked me for the great story. I thanked him for his comment and then it happened. He replied back telling me how he was fighting cancer (again) and the laughter he got from my story has made the battle easier.

It was amazing to hear that. It was humbling to hear it. It made me look at my writing differently.

NaNoWriMo Update

Things have been going very well so far. I managed just over 7,000 words for the first two days of NaNo. Monday I added another 4,000 words and last night I wrote 4622 words. That puts my four day total at 15,739 words.



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