NaNo 2017 – Day 17 – Tucker & Dale vs Evil

I wasn’t entirely sure what I should post today. I could have said, “Day 17 – Just like many other days,” but that wouldn’t have been entirely true. I had a good writing day – I managed 2,314 words – that puts it in my top 5 word count days thus far. The writing wasn’t magical. It moved the story along to where I’m at the cusp of writing something much more interesting. What was different is, I rewarded myself. I mentioned in yesterday’s post that one of my colleagues suggested a movie to me; namely, Tucker and Dale vs. Evil. The movie is a horror/comedy, a genre I am a big fan of. Bruce Campbell is easily one of my […]

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NaNoWriMo 2017 – Day 16 – Not a Lot to Report

Day 16 would definitely count as a doldrums day. I’m still battling my way through the middle part of Scouts 3, trying to write content that is both interesting and moves the story forward. This is what I’m calling my pantster portion of the story. I am reminded of something Terry Pratchett used to say. He said, “The first draft is just you telling yourself the story.” As I think about it in those terms, I realize just how right he is. I am writing the story, putting the proper characters where they need to be doing the things they need to do. Revision will tighten all that up.   Challenges for the Day Nothing additional planned for evening after […]

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NaNo 2017 – Day 15 – Low Water Mark

Day 15 was my lowest output day thus far: 2005 words. I’m not complaining. I’m not even disappointed in the word total. There had to be a day where I wrote less than the others. This year, that was day 15. It has been an interesting run thus far. I went into NaNoWriMo knowing in essence what the story I was writing needed to be. It is the third and last chapter of this Scouts of the Apocalypse trilogy (note: I didn’t say “the” simply because I don’t know what the future holds. Maybe there is another trilogy out there for my Scouts. In fact, as I type these words, I have suddenly had an idea for said trilogy (darn […]

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NaNo 2017 – Day 14 – I Broke 30,000 Words

Okay. Maybe I should say, I passed the 30,000 word mark. I didn’t actually break any of them due to poor writing or anything else. I had high hopes I would be able to start my writing early in the afternoon. That isn’t quite what happened unfortunately. Still…I BROKE 30,000! 🙂 Challenges for the Day Lots of errands to run Number of Words for the Day:  2773 words My highest single day total for 2017. Yes, it’s a far-cry from the 5000+ I did a couple years ago, but I’m still pretty proud of the number. I had a scene that just felt so very right! It flowed so fast I almost couldn’t type quickly enough to keep up. How […]

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