Extend my Reach

A few months ago my publisher reached out to me to talk about an opportunity that would literally extend my reach to readers. An application publisher (for books, to be clear) was interested in a number of the publisher’s properties. The Goddess Renewed was one of those books.

I am very pleased to announce that Goddess is now available to read on the Readict app. That makes the novel available as both an e-book available directly from Champagne Books and via the app on whatever mobile device you might use.

Unexpected Meeting of a Goal

One of my goals has always been to get my work in front of readers. Obviously, printed books are one of those outlets. E-books, whatever their format, is another. Wattpad is yet another.

I never expected to be part of a mobile app platform. Still, that is a great thing. Be available where your readers are. That’s the only way to be read and this is another step in that journey.

Still Winning

As per my last post, I am still looking for ways to win. To that end, I continue to win (some days I celebrate more wins than others, just like everyone else in the world).

Today, I count among my wins, this post, editing on my newest book, taking a walk in the brisk morning air and soon, dinner with my significant other (and love of my life, might I add). Looking at my day through that lens, I’ve got to say, I’m pretty lucky.

I hope you are winning too.


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