I expected 2014 to be busy and full of new experiences and so far, I haven’t been disappointed. I’m going full-bore on my Mik Murdoch: The Power Within edits, getting ready for the work on Jack Kane and the Statue of Liberty AND getting ramped up for the new anthology Jeff Hite and I are putting out. I also just finished my first workshop for one of the local school’s too. And January is nowhere near over. That’s just the writing side of my life. I’ve got lots going on at work, with my family and with my scouts too, so spare time doesn’t seem to exist right now. At least, I don’t have to worry about getting into trouble. […]
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Fun and Creativity
I have always liked to create things. When I was young(er?) I would make things out of wood and paper and whatever else I had at hand. I’ve also always written stories. Granted, most of my stories were childish and not terribly good, but I was able to write them and feel good about what I’d put on the page. That is even more true now, although I put the added pressure on myself of wanting the stories to be publishable. And, in the case of Mik Murdoch: The Power Within, I want the book to be equal to or better than the first one in the series. It has meant writing, rewriting, editing, revising and stressing about the book. […]
Read moreWatch Out 2014
On only the second day of 2014, I’m back at it and moving fast. I kind of have to be. I have contracts for two books to come out this year (Mik Murdoch: The Power Within, 5 Rivers Publishing & Jack Kane and the Statue of Liberty, Champagne Book Group/Burst Books) plus an anthology to put together and a possible self-published book as well. That, of course, doesn’t include writing more books and short stories, doing school visits and attending my first Calgary Young Writer’s Convention as a guest. Oh yeah…I think I might have a day job, family and podcasting to mix in as well. None of that lends itself to a slow, leisurely paced life for this year. But […]
Read moreA Ways to Go
I couple weeks ago my publisher, Robert Runte’, suggested I changed this website’s tagline from “from an amateur’s perspective” to “from a former amateur’s perspective.” I thought about his comment for a couple days before I went ahead and made the change as he suggested because…well, I AM being paid for my writing (more often than not) which, by definition, makes me a professional writer. That doesn’t mean I have arrived and can quit learning, however. I’ve still got LOTS to learn. That means, I still have lots to share. For example, I’m only just going into my second book’s edits. It is the second book in a series, which is also new to me. In case you didn’t hear, I […]
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