Get Published Episode 127 – YA Author Arthur Slade

I expected 2014 to be busy and full of new experiences and so far, I haven’t been disappointed. I’m going full-bore on my Mik Murdoch: The Power Within edits, getting ready for the work on Jack Kane and the Statue of Liberty AND getting ramped up for the new anthology Jeff Hite and I are putting out. I also just finished my first workshop for one of the local school’s too. And January is nowhere near over.

That’s just the writing side of my life. I’ve got lots going on at work, with my family and with my scouts too, so spare time doesn’t seem to exist right now. At least, I don’t have to worry about getting into trouble. Who has the time?

I also want to thank Jeff Hite for his help. He has graciously agreed to assist me with the production of Get Published. So, if you notice any improvements, they are probably his fault.

On today’s show I talk to Arthur Slade who is an internationally renowed writer of Young Adult books. I met Arthur at one of our local conventions and he kindly agreed to come on the show. I also wanted to talk about my first experience with a school visit: what worked and what needed improvement.

That’s today’s show, I hope you enjoy it.

Show Notes

00:00 — Opening – Get Published Episode 127 – YA Author Arthur Slade

Everything has to start somewhere and this is the start of “Get Published”

00:14 — Introduction – Get Published Episode 127 – YA Author Arthur Slade (continued)

Welcome to the show.

01:39 – Promo – Red Dwarf Introcast

02:39 – Tips and Typos

Mike talks about his first school visit as an author.

07:56 – Promo – A Minor Magic

09:27 Get Published Episode 127 – YA Author Arthur Slade (continued)

Mike talks to Arthur Slade about Young Adult writing, series, agents and a whole lot more.

If you would like to be on the advanced reader list, please email Michell at: feedback at

55:45 – Promo – Tales from the Archives

57:10 — Closing

Thank you for listening.


Websites mentioned in this episode:

Arthur Slade –

Red Dwarf Introcast –

A Minor Magic –

Ministry of Peculiar Occurrences: Tales from the Archives –


Special Thanks to Jeffrey Hite for assisting in the production of Get Published.


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