Watch Out 2014

On only the second day of 2014, I’m back at it and moving fast. I kind of have to be. I have contracts for two books to come out this year (Mik Murdoch: The Power Within, 5 Rivers Publishing & Jack Kane and the Statue of Liberty, Champagne Book Group/Burst Books) plus an anthology to put together and a possible self-published book as well.

That, of course, doesn’t include writing more books and short stories, doing school visits and attending my first Calgary Young Writer’s Convention as a guest. Oh yeah…I think I might have a day job, family and podcasting to mix in as well.

None of that lends itself to a slow, leisurely paced life for this year.

But that’s okay. I’ve been working hard to get this far and, now that I’m here, I can’t stop pushing forward. Momentum lasts for a while, but eventually it needs some new effort to keep it going.

So, I will keep this post short. Thank you to all of you who have supported me in the past. I hope you will continue to stay with me on this journey because it is really only just starting to get good.

Happy New Year to you all. May 2014 be filled with all the wonder and joy you could wish for.


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